Beata Kukla

Project Coordinator, New Ireland Assurance
Kraków, małopolskie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Project Coordinator
New Ireland Assurance
Working closely with Project Manager, help ensure that programmes and projects achieve their desired outcomes, within the agreed timescales, budget and to the agreed quality standards.
Interact with various departments of the business including the project and IT support functions to facilitate delivery of the project.
Encashment Administrator
Bank of Ireland - Head Office
Providing efficient and helpful service to customers in all aspects of policy servicing.
Processing a high volume of different types of encashment requests within a small timeframe.
Updating client details as well as advising customer on available option by corresponding through letters, fax and phone calls.
Maintaining policies through communication with the branches of BOI Life and I&I Managers in relation to individual encashment requests.
Dealing with phone calls queries.
Payments Administrator
Bank of Ireland - Head Office
Process payments according to agreed controls and procedures meeting tight deadlines.
Verify payments.
Preparing reports to finance department.
Preparing productivity analysis, capacity plan and reports.
Deal with different business departments on a regular basis.
Liaising with external customers, branches and other sales channels.
Resolve queries concerning payments.
Responsible for preparing outstanding payments report and clearing outstanding payments.
IBM BTO Business Consulting Services Sp. z o. o.
AR Analyst
Develop customer relationship to ensure timely collection of outstanding receivables.
Work with customers to resolve disputed items.
Coordinate with other parties to rectify problems that cause delay of payment.
Prepare statement of accounts and payment discrepancy clarification.
Ahold Polska
Controlling and approving IT invoices for payment, controlling mobile phones handling, preparing financial statements concerning mobiles phones, negotiations conditions for trade contract, agenda management, arrange business trips, translations.
Valvex S.A.
Assistant to Export Specialist - training
Managing Distributors database. Maintain files and records of invoices, purchase orders and other related documentation. Raising purchase orders.Issue invoices.
Liaising with customers and other departments.
Assistant to Public Contract Specialist
IGiCHP, Rabka - Zdrój
Preparing specification of significant conditions of public contract.

Szkolenia i kursy

10/2010 - Dublin Business School
Advanced Diploma in Project Management

04/2009 Accenture Co. in Dublin
Negotiation course

09/2008 - 02/2009 Dublin Business School
Diploma in Sales Management

01/ 2008 – 05/2008 Accenture Co. in Dublin
Certificate in Managing People Skills - Personnel Management, staff development and motivation, appraising performance, coaching, legislation.

02.2007 - 07/2007 Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im.ks. J.Tischnera
Szkoła Menadżera - "Zarządzanie Projektami"

Baruch College w NY - ESL Program


Handel zagraniczny, magisterskie
Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie
Ekonomika nieruchomości i inwestycji, licencjackie
Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie


IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Zarządzanie projektem


1 wszystkich wypowiedzi
0 plusów
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, założony w 1925 roku, to jedna z najlepszych państwowych uczelni ekonomicznych w Polsce, a jednocześnie największa uczelnia ekonomiczna w Europie Środkowej.
Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze - finansowanie z UE
GL - Ogólne
GL - Ogólne
Dyskusja na tematy ogólne z zakresu biznesu, rynku pracy, internetu, gospodarki, itd.
Grupa Public Relations
Projekty start-up
Projekty start-up
internetowe start-upy, wszystko co zwiazane z nowymi projektami, ich finansowaniem i zarzadzaniem
osoby poszukujące pracowników do działów sprzedaży i obsługi klienta oraz kandydaci
Grupa dla zarządzających, chcących zarządzać i lubiących dzielić się wiedzą z zakresu zarządzania.
Zarządzanie Projektami
Zarządzanie Projektami
Celem grupy jest upowszechnienie idei zarządzania poprzez projekty oraz wzajemna wymiana doświadczeń.