Bartłomiej Grech

Team Leader and Senior Software Developer at Task Retail Technology
Wrocław, dolnośląskie


ASP.NET MVC C# Entity Framework Git JavaScript jQuery LINQ MVC MVVM Scrum Visual Studio Windows Phone MSSQL



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Senior Software Developer
Task Retail Technology
- Developing of system based on .Net and variety of native, web and mobile technologies
- Participating in the process of analysis, estimation, design and implementation of new functionalities
- Elaborating requirements and designs to build new / improve current features
- Enhancing performance of existing applications
- Using strong technical skills and experience with .NET and main stream ORM to plan architecture and implementation of complex modules in existing applications
- Collaborate with internal teams to produce better software design and architecture
- Serving as an expert on applications and providing technical support to other team members
- Using knowledge of Web Services, RESTful systems and various data exchange formats to deliver cross-system integrations
Team Leader
Task Retail Technology
- Using strong inter-personal and communication skills to ensure good team relations and high team performance
- Using clear understanding of software development life-cycle, Agile/Scrum methodologies and JIRA to constantly improve development process workflow
- Participating in the process of analysis, estimation and reviewing design of new feature requests
- Grooming, managing and planning development team timeline and backlog
- Working closely with the business and other departments in the organization
- Conducting performance reviews for developers
- Managing, reviewing and supervising time-sheets, work-logs and sick leave requests
- Doing weekly and monthly reports about development team work progress
Software Developer
Task Retail Technology
- Delivering solutions based on .NET technologies: ASP. NET MVC, WPF, Silverlight, Windows Forms, Xamarin
- Writing clean and scalable code using .NET programming languages (C#, VB)
- Revising, updating, refactoring and debugging code to improve existing software
- Developing SPA based on Angular 2+, TypeScript, Javascript and RWD with HTML5/CSS3
- Creating documentation throughout the software development life cycle
- Working with relational databases (e.g. SQL Server) and data modelling
- Working closely with other developers, technical architects, business analysts, testers and designers
.NET Developer
- Designing, developing and maintaining applications based on .NET technologies: ASP. NET MVC, Windows Phone, Windows Presentation Foundation, Silverlight, Windows Forms
- Working on project architecture, developer tools and libraries
- Designing databases, integrations and planning user flows
- Working with SQL Server, Entity Framework, JavaScript (jQuery), CSS (Bootstrap)
- Making practical usage of Agile/Scrum methodologies
- Cooperation with other team members (developers, analysts, and testers)
- Providing technical support to other team members
- Creating documentation of work progress and for created solutions
.NET Developer

Szkolenia i kursy

- Zarządzanie projektami w metodyce SCRUM
- Dobre Praktyki Tworzenia Oprogramowania
- CISCO - CCNA Exploration: Network Fundamentals


Informatyka, magisterskie
Politechnika Opolska


IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Analiza biznesowa
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
IT - Rozwój oprogramowania
Programista .NET


Przykładowe projekty:

• HotModa – modowy portal skupiający się na promowaniu produktów poprzez tworzenie artykułów, stylizacji, kolaży oraz dający możliwość bezpośredniej komunikacji z profesjonalnymi stylistami
• Portal Gastro - portal dla pracowników branży gastronomicznej korzystających z usług KP, promujący wiedzę z zakresu dobrych praktyk piwnych poprzez udostępnianie bazy wiedzy, e-szkoleń, aktualności i promocji
• ASP Warszawa - portal intranetowy dla uczelni, wydziałów oraz jednostek podległych
• MWFC Mobile – mobilna wersja katalogu lokalizacji polskiej bazy produkcji filmowych, studiów produkcyjnych i nie tylko. Aplikacja na wszystkie platformy: iOS, Android, Windows Phone


Programiści .NET
Programiści .NET
Zrzesza programistów technologii Microsoft .NET, oraz osoby pracującę nad projektami w technologii .NET
Wrocławska Grupa .NET
Wrocławska Grupa .NET
Wrocławska Grupa .NET zrzesza pasjonatów platformy .NET!