Anna Strzałkowska

Tłumacz języka angielskiego


  • Anna Strzałkowska
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie MA - help, pls :)
    15.12.2011, 15:42

    Thank you all so much, you are very helpful :)

  • Anna Strzałkowska
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie MA - help, pls :)
    12.12.2011, 16:46

    Hi! I've got another problem and again I need your help :) This time it's about the conflict between Minnesota and Wisconsin states. Here is the text from HIMYM:

    Marshall: Good manners are what separate us from those “elbows on the table” Wisconsinites.

    Marshall obviously comes from Minnesota. Can you tell me sth about this conflict? Is there sth deeper in it or it's just the conflict resulting from the neighbourhood? You know...every country hates its neighbours. There are certain stereotypes and so on... Maybe the conflict is connected with the US history...If so, please summarise it briefly. Thanks in advance.

  • Anna Strzałkowska
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie MA - help, pls :)
    27.10.2011, 10:53

    Thank you both very much :)

  • Anna Strzałkowska
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie MA - help, pls :)
    26.10.2011, 14:15

    Hi, I'm a student of English and now I'm writing my MA thesis but I got stuck :) The subject of my MA is "Problems with Translating American Comedy Series on the Basis of How I Met Your Mother." The problem is with one text: "Or… I could just recommend that you do not buy this godforsaken Guantanamo Bay of a house." Please tell me sth about the Guantanamo Bay. What bad connotations does it evoke to Americans? Well, I know about the prison, but I don't get the sense when talking about the house.

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