Anna Maj

specjalista ds. rejestracji, GSK
Warszawa, mazowieckie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist
Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist
Since Dec 2016
Main responsibilities:
- maintainance of MA from antibiotic and neurology portfolio (including submission of variations, preparation, update and translation of PI etc.)
- maintainance of local regulatory databases
- proofreading and verification of artworks (graphical projects for medicinal products) according to regulatory compliance
- preparation of appropiate communication to Polish regulatory authorities (URPLWMiPB, GIF, NIL etc)
- preparation of SOPs, WOW, instructions etc.
- activities connected with promotion of department and team building with organisation Zobacz mniej

Regulatory Affairs Specialist
Sep 2013 –Dec 2016
Main responsibilities:
- coordination of submissions and approvals of variations for products within my portfolio (MRP/DCP, national, centralized, worksharing and grouped variations)
- close cooperation with central functions during the preparation of the dossiers
- preparation of updates and translations of PI (SmPC, PIL, labelling)
- close work with local authorities (URPLWMiPB and GIF)
- cooperation with marketing, medical, reimbursement and quality departments in order to place high quality product on marekt
- preparation of appropriate communication to the regulatory authorities
- taking part in packaging items updates – making sure that the product on the market is up to date with the registered details - artworks proofreading and acceptance accoding to regulatory demands
- knowledge of current local and Eurpean regulatory law
Bioton S.A.
R&D Specialist
Main resposibilities
• work in laboratory of molecular biology
• microbiological and genetic analyses
• bioinformatic analyses
• preparation of research plans and projects
• preparation of instructions and manuals according to GLP and GMP
• preapration of documents used in drug registration according to FDA and EMEA rules


Biologia, doktorat
Uniwersytet Warszawski,


Badania i rozwój


Uniwersytet Warszawski
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Uniwersytet Warszawski, założony w 1816 roku, jest największą polską uczelnią i jednocześnie jedną z najlepszych w kraju.
Grupa zainteresowanych biotechnologią oraz naukami pokrewnymi.
Clinical Research & badania medyczne
Clinical Research & badania medyczne
Grupa dla wszystkich badaczy, lekarzy, naukowców i ludzi biznesu związanych pośrednio i bezpośrednio z medycyną
doktoranci i doktorzy, doktorat
doktoranci i doktorzy, doktorat
Forum wymiany informacji dla doktorantów i doktorów. Wszystkie kierunki. doktoranci i doktorzy, prace doktorskie,habilitacja,przewód,metodologia badawcza, doktorat, nauka polska,