Anna Kukla

Księgowość i Finanse
Warszawa, mazowieckie


Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word Prawo jazdy kat B Comarch CDN XL Finka-FK wsparcie zarządu Sprawozdawczość NBP Zarządzanie umowami najmu finanse i rachunkowość



Doświadczenie zawodowe

EWT Truck & Trailer Polska sp. z o.o.
- booking of the purchase and the sales invoices
- settlement of the advances for the trailers
- confirming of the status of bought trailers, open invoices and checking the stock value
- booking of import of the services
- booking of several cash registers and managing 2 cash accounts
- booking and settlement of the staff advances and travel costs
- issuing and settlement of selected invoices
- checking of the right VAT register
- dealing with the payments reminders
- making compensations and confirming the balances with the related companies and other counterparts
- periodically receiving of documents for the accountancy department, preparing the payments or booking of the bank accounts
- preparing the selected documents for the audit control
- reporting to the National Bank of Poland
Warimpex Polska Sp. z o.o.
Manager ds. Finansowo-Księgowych
- booking of selected accounting documents for several companies
- management of leasing agreements (Parkur Tower, Warsaw Tower, partly City Point), including reconciliation of service charges, preparing of indexation and invoices for the tenants, checking the payments and issuing the payment reminders, checking of bank guarantees and deposits, reporting to the management board – a database, a tenancy schedule, checking the delivery protocols, adjustment of the Polish and English versions of the lease agreements etc.; preparation of the required information for the financing banks
- interest calculation and preparation of loan agreements for many companies, including company owning the InterContinental Hotel in Warsaw and Andels Łódź
- preparation of the accounting agreements and marketing services contracts and issuing of the invoices accordingly; checking of such purchase invoices for marketing services
- issuing of invoices for a long-term building contract, asset management agreements and financial management agreements
- participation in due diligence and preparation of cash flow statements regarding several companies
- reporting to the National Bank of Poland for a number of companies, arranging the certificates and tracing their validity
Raiffeisen Investment
Assistant to the Management Board
- gathering the accounting documents, preparation of payment orders and payroll, keeping the cash,
- preparation of the activity reports for the headquarters and translation of documents,
- administrative duties including looking for a new company location,
- organising of trainings for cooperative banks and translating of the related materials,
- collecting of the marketing information on some branches and looking for companies to be privatized,
- typical tasks of an assistant
Assistant to the Management Board
- typical tasks of an assistant

Szkolenia i kursy

01/2013 A Certificate of the Chief Accountant

12/2011 – 07/2012 A Course for Chief Accountants

09/1999 – 04/2000 A Course for Accountants


Finance & Banking Faculty, Major: Accounting, magisterskie
Warsaw School of Economics (SGH)
Management Faculty, Major: Corporate Finance, licencjackie
University of Commerce and Law in Warsaw (WSHiP)
Foreign Trade, średnie
The State College of Shorthand Typing and Foreign Languages in Warsaw (PSSiJO)




Cycling, Travelling, Photography, Cooking


1995 Exam in Business English in the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations in Warsaw

1995 Certificate of Graduation of the Methodist English Language College in Warsaw


Darmowe szkolenia
Darmowe szkolenia
Po prostu wymiana informacji na temat darmowych szkoleń..
EXCEL w praktyce
EXCEL w praktyce
Pytania, wskazówki, odpowiedzi, komentarze, usprawnienie pracy w EXCELu. Cel: wzajemna pomoc, wymiana doświadczeń, propozycje usprawnień pracy
Aktualności z całych Mazur w jednym miejscu.
Przedsiębiorcy, osoby przedsiębiorcze, współpraca biznesowa, przyjaciele biznesowi, rozwój osobisty i firmowy, pomoc, dotacje, biznesplany. Przedsiębiorczość
Psychologia biznesu.
Psychologia biznesu.
Wszystko co chciałeś wiedzieć, ale nie wiedziałeś, kogo o to zapytać.
Savoir-vivre, czyli sztuka życia
Savoir-vivre, czyli sztuka życia
Umiejętność postępowania w życiu i radzenia sobie w każdej sytuacji.
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Grupa dla osob mieszkajacych / studiujacych / pracujacych w Warszawie