Anna Kloczkowska

tłumacz przysięgły ustny i pisemny NL | EN | PL
Beekbergen, Gelderland, Netherlands


Direct Search Employer Branding Sourcing Driving License (B) Recruitment English fluent CV selection Dutch fluent Polish mother tongue



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Tłumacz przysięgły języka angielskiego
Anna Kloczkowska
Tłumacz przysięgły języka angielskiego i niderlandzkiego zarejestrowany w holenderskim rejestrze tłumaczy przysięgłych (Wbtv-nr. 20472).
Rekruter w branży medycznej
Rekrutacja lekarzy specjalistów i stomatologów z Europy do pracy w Holandii i Belgii.
Rekruter w branży technicznej
Larex Personeelsbemiddeling
Rekrutacja specjalistów z Polski, Wielkiej Brytanii, Litwy, Łotwy i Estonii w branży technicznej, metalurgicznej i budowlanej
Translavic Polska
In-house translator at Dutch ISO 17100-certified translation agency.
Translating and revising from English and Dutch into Polish in the following fields of health, agriculture, fisheries, energy, environment (incl. Climate Change), research for the benefit of SMEs, Community Research and Development.
LG.Philips LCD Poland Sp. z o.o.
Interpreter / Translator
Interpretation in cooperation with Korean translators (Korean  English  Polish), at the LCD production floor in Gumi and Paju, South Korea.
translator freelancer
Anna Kloczkowska - freelance translator
Translating novels for a publishing house PUBLICAT S.A. Among other things: The call of the Wild by Guy Grieve (2010) The Hornet’s Sting by Mark Ryan (2009), Mad Dogs by James Grady (2008).

Co-operation with translation agencies and custemers from Poland and UK.
American Restaurants Sp. z o.o.
Translating restaurant equipment manuals, training films and presentations, speeches of Directors’ Board members;
Interpreting training sessions during business trip „Leadership University of AmRest“ to Mahdia, Tunisia conducted by senior management.

Szkolenia i kursy

Sourcing van kandidaten - ARTRA
Interviewtechnieken bij ARTRA – Binden en boeien van kandidaten
Vervolgtraining Recruiters ARTRA – Boeiend schrijven

Spreekwoorden & gezegden bij KTV Kennisnet
Tolkethiek & tolkhouding bij KTV Kennisnet
Webinarserie 'Institutionele kennis, procedures en jargon' bij KTV Kennisnet
Webinarserie 'Komt een tolk bij de dokter' bij KTV Kennisnet


Specialized Translation and Computer Tools, studia podyplomowe
Wroclaw University of Applied Informatics
Business, legal, EU, medical and sworn translations, studia podyplomowe
Institute of English Philology at Wroclaw University
English Linguistics, magisterskie
Wroclaw University


Słuchanie audiobooków, jazda na motocyklu, wędrówki górskie, turystyka kulinarna, pływanie


Thomas GIA assessment
Styczeń 2019 || 77%

The General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) provides an accurate prediction of the time it will take someone to get to grips with a new role/regime. By gauging their capabilities, you will be able to keep your people engaged in their work and your organisation with appropriate challenges suited to their strengths. The GIA will also enable you to identify potential leaders, those that can think on their feet and the people better suited to methodical problem solving.

The results achieved by Anna Kloczkowska are above average and are in the highest 34% of the norm group used. This means that she can quickly learn new skills and competencies if necessary. She reacts more quickly to changes than the average standard. She knows how to easily absorb and process new information.


1 wszystkich wypowiedzi
0 plusów
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