Anna Izdebska

Warszawa, mazowieckie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Elavon Financial Services Ltd.
Workforce Management Team Supervisor
- creating forecasts and support plans for Operations Teams,
- reviewing SLA, targets and outputs,
- creating recommendations for management about: capacity needs and free resources, process improvements,
-implementing and maintaining Cross Training in Operations,
-managing people, take care about their development & performance,
-participating in organising Operations events related to employee engagement.
Elavon Financial Services Ltd.
SLA Coordinator
- monitoring Onboarding Department SLA's and customer application flow ,
- preparing forecasts and capacity plans for all Onboarding teams,
- respond and resolve complex sales complaints and queries,
- organize and lead Operations review meetings, to enhance the cooperation between teams,
- collect data, analyze and prepare reports for management,
- advise to local management if any changing needs related to customer base and recommend process changes to accommodate customer requirements.
Elavon Financial Services Ltd.
Quality Assurance Specialist
- providing complete verification of Elavon merchants contracts,
- evaluate applications for company policies,
- processing agreements in internal and external databases,
- contact with partners and Sales Department to receive additional informations about contracts,
- support other departments with reports and other tasks.
Elavon Financial Services Ltd.
junior underwriting and customer care specialist
- providing complete verification of Elavon merchants contracts,
- evaluate applications for company policies,
- processing agreements in internal and external databases,
- contact with partners and Sales Department to receive additional informations about contracts,
- support other departments with reports and other tasks.
Poczta Kwiatowa Sp. z o.o.
specialist in Marketing Department
- writing press releases and texts for websites,
- updating main page about products and prices,
- assisting in Customer Service Department.
Nestle Waters Polska
specialist in Customer Service Department
- sending and receiving correspondence, orders and documents,
- verifying customers complaints about price and quantity,
- liaison with other departments to ensure proper communication and documents flow,
- preparing reports about Service Level.

Szkolenia i kursy

- Driving licese cat. B,
- Presentation skills,
- Effective meetings,
- Communication with assertiveness


zarządzanie, specjalność: komunikacja strategiczna w marketingu, magisterskie
Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania - The Polish Open University
reklama i marketing, licencjackie
Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania w Warszawie - The Polish Open University
filologia polska, licencjackie
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie


Sprzedaż - FMCG
Artykuły spożywcze/Alkohol/Tytoń


9 wszystkich wypowiedzi
10 plusów
Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania / Polish Open University
Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania / Polish Open University
W POU nie dajemy recept. Uczymy jak nawigować wśród praktyki i teorii zarządzania oraz jak sprostać wyzwaniom, które stoją przed współczesnymi menedżerami.
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