Andrzej Senator

Business Owner at Senator Consulting


Rozwój działalności EMEA Przedsiębiorczość Zarządzanie Management Consulting Rozwój produktu Sales Zarządzanie Sprzedażą Start-upy Strategia Sprzedaż

Doświadczenie zawodowe

Business Owner
Senator Consulting
Started my own business consulting firm working with business and sales development. Within that scope I have founded IT company NordicLink, but also worked with specific assignments mostly aimed on helping companies to increase their sales and develop new markets. Some of the assignments were international with focus on the Scandinavian market. Using my knowledge, experience and network of Polish and Scandinavian market I connected those two, creating new business opportunities.
With NordicLink and Datametrix I worked towards polish market, but in case of XSolve the process goes in the other direction. Other two local assignments were Connectis and M4B where I focus on direct sales.
Sales Director
Taking M4B to the next level....Great solutions, great people and great possibilities.
Business Development Manager
Connectis is an ousourcing company working with many large companies in Poland.
As business development manager I was responsible of creating sales strategy and building new sales structure but I was also involved in direct sales.
Sales Director
My assignment was to investigate business potential and to find new customers in Poland. Datametrix was a company offering advanced postal and workflow solutions.
During that time I managed to create a substantial prospect list but unfortunately the board of directors decided to change the product strategy and withdrew the offering from all markets.
Founder and CEO
Established NordicLink in 2007 to act as a link between Swedish producers of security software and the Polish market. Represent a number of companies including AppGate (Application Access Control), Cryptzone (Encryption and Data Leak Protection), Snow Software (SAM) and Nordic Edge (Identity and Access Management), selling both directly and via partners to clients in the Energy, Banking, Government and Telco sectors. Whilst a Director, the role is very much a hands on new business sales role, dealing with clients from management to C level. Client contact examples include
Senior Consultant
(Management Consultants - Sweden)

Provided consulting services to corporate organizations seeking to improve their efficiency and sales performance. Regularly provided Sales training workshops and coached Managers and CEO's to achieve their goals. My most important customers were HP, Bea and EMC. Relocated to Poland to establish NordicLink.
Sales Director
DNS Sweden
My role was to manage sales organisation and put in place consistent partner strategy. Have also implemented forecating system and new commission plan.
CEO & Founder
Founded an Internet company in Poland and Sweden with objective to mitigate business transaction of surplus assets between companies. One of our major clients was company www.chemia,com a subsidiary of Ciech S.A
Managing Director

The assignment was mainly to "clean up" the organization and turn company into profit, which I managed to do by 1998.
Led the organization consisting of 50 people mainly in Sales and Technical Support. Managed sales people by setting objectives and follow up procedures. Established a partner program and strategy to enter new product area. In 1998 the company revenue was just over 17 M€.
X-COMP Sp. z o.o.
Founder and Managing Director

Founded 1992. Company acted as a VAR. Beside position as MD I was actively selling to mid size companies. My best result was in 1996 where I over achieved my budget by 40% with revenue of over 1 M$. From the start 1992 company revenue grew from zero to 2 M€ 1997 with positive result.
Sales Manager and Managing Director
System Industries

Subsidiary to an American company specialized in storage solution. Sweden was one of the weakest markets, why decision was made to invest in strong management. My primarily task was to grow business. During 7 years we increased our revenues from 500 k$ to over 3 M$. For one year I was also acting MD for Benelux countries. In 1989 I was awarded as one of five top worldwide Managers and attended "Presidency Club" in Hawaii.
Sales rep and Sales Manager
Started as a sales representative responsible for HP's technical systems. My job was primarily to work with customers in Public, Education and Health sector. Business meant looking for new customers and conducting marketing activities such as seminars and Open Houses. After three years I got promoted to Sales Manager responsible for the Stockholm district with 7 sales people. During that period we became the best group within Sweden with revenue of more than 6 M$.


Business Administration and Economics, MBA
Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm




IT Security Solutions