Andrzej Chudzyński

Kraków, małopolskie


Akcesoria Due Diligence E-commerce Moda Obuwie Inwestycje Merchandising Microsoft Office Handel Shoes zarządzanie sklepem Przywództwo w zespole Visual Merchandising Obsługa klienta Kontrola jakości Ubezpieczenia Relationship building

Doświadczenie zawodowe

M & M Solutions
Management and organisation of current work of chain of shoe stores; for instance: recruitment and staff training; development, implementation and control of introduced customer service standards, preparation of budget and sales plans for the stores, preparation of the payment grid for sales staff, supervision of taking stock of the stores, optimisation of profitability of individual stores. Development, implementation and control procedures for the ongoing activities of shops, participation in the preparation and opening of the online store, the implementation of computerised sales system, preparation and implementation of a program for regular customers, preparation and implementation of new advertising campaigns in chain stores, coordination of marketing processes.
Vistula Group S.A.
Store Manager
Responsible for: management of the store and related entrusted property, supervision and participation in and accounting of the annual and random stocktaking, recruitment and training of the store staff, implementation of sales plans and their key indicators, maintaining the image and standards of store's work, attention to image of the company, evaluation and determining strategy based on the results of mystery shoppers, answering to complaints, optimizing profitability of the store, customer service.
Insurance and Investment Advisor
MAI Solutions
Insurance and investment advisory services for individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises.
Logistics Specialist
STEP IN sp.j. (formerly known as ECCO Polska sp.j.)
Management of the network of shops (i.e. opening new stores, recruiting and training employees, conducting annual inventories in stores, preparing budgets and sales plans for stores in the chain, preparation of the payment grid for the sales staff and work plan preparation), supply chain management (including foreign suppliers), control over the central warehouse, document flow control, supervising the settlement of the annual inventory in the company, negotiating contracts and special conditions of cooperation with courier companies, supervision and coordination of cooperation with contracting companies.
Store Manager
STEP IN sp.j. (formerly known as ECCO Polska sp.j.)
Administration of ECCO shop at Wroclaw Market Square, responsibility for sale targets and other key ratings, organisation and coordination of 5-person team, reporting of current issues, ensuring high standard of service according to ECCO requirements, managing individual orders, dealing with complaints, responsibility for stock-taking results. Taking care of a good corporate image.


Technologia żywności, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu (daw. Akademia Ekonomiczna im. Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu)


Sprzedaż - Sieci handlowe
Zarządzanie sprzedażą – sieci handlowe