Doświadczenie zawodowe
Customer Service Desk Export
Clariant Plastics and Coatings (Polska) Sp. z o.o.
Responsible for:
Follow-up and monitor open orders to ensure customer satisfaction (e.g. on-time delivery);
Control prices in coordination with Head of CSD CEE;
Follow-up on payments steps and ensure meeting date;
Handling of old stocks;
Daily OTIF check-up;
Export products, documents and delivery confirmation;
Cooperation with Accounting Managers;
Responsible for customers from Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland.
Follow-up and monitor open orders to ensure customer satisfaction (e.g. on-time delivery);
Control prices in coordination with Head of CSD CEE;
Follow-up on payments steps and ensure meeting date;
Handling of old stocks;
Daily OTIF check-up;
Export products, documents and delivery confirmation;
Cooperation with Accounting Managers;
Responsible for customers from Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland.
Country System Manager, Country EHS, Senior specialist for health and safety
Responsible for:
Implementing and ensuring compliance with global and local standards rules, tools, policies and processes related to operations/project execution and shares functional best practices and lessons learned across the organization;
Being responsible for the successful implementation and improvement of the Quality, Safety and Environment Management System (9001,14001,18001), External, internal and customer's audits;
Working with local management team to set coherent and aligned improvement priorities and targets across the entire value chain, monitoring progress, analyzing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and acting on deviations from targets;
Ensuring that Lean and Six Sigma training and methods are implemented into the organization. Collaborating with respective teams (Operations, Engineering, etc.) to integrate Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma principles into the order delivery processes;
Being responsible for Occupational Health and Safety, Country Emergency Management (assessing occupational risk at workplace, safety reports, coaching and training of employees, coordination cases related to accidents at work, cooperation with external companies and regulatory organs in the framework of health and safety activities);
Representing the department in frequent cross-functional interactions and possible customer, subcontractor, or vendor contacts.
Implementing and ensuring compliance with global and local standards rules, tools, policies and processes related to operations/project execution and shares functional best practices and lessons learned across the organization;
Being responsible for the successful implementation and improvement of the Quality, Safety and Environment Management System (9001,14001,18001), External, internal and customer's audits;
Working with local management team to set coherent and aligned improvement priorities and targets across the entire value chain, monitoring progress, analyzing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and acting on deviations from targets;
Ensuring that Lean and Six Sigma training and methods are implemented into the organization. Collaborating with respective teams (Operations, Engineering, etc.) to integrate Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma principles into the order delivery processes;
Being responsible for Occupational Health and Safety, Country Emergency Management (assessing occupational risk at workplace, safety reports, coaching and training of employees, coordination cases related to accidents at work, cooperation with external companies and regulatory organs in the framework of health and safety activities);
Representing the department in frequent cross-functional interactions and possible customer, subcontractor, or vendor contacts.
Pełnomocnik Zarządu d/s Jakości, Środowiska, Bezpieczeństwa i BHP, ( ESH )
Colex Sp. z o.o. (spółka należąca do koncernu Clariant)
Responsible for:
Implementing and ensuring compliance with global and local standards rules, tools, policies and processes related to operations/project execution and shares functional best practices and lessons learned across the organization;
Being responsible for the successful implementation and improvement of the Quality, Safety and Environment Management System (9001,14001,18001) , external , internal and customer's audits;
Working with local management team to set coherent and aligned improvement priorities and targets across the entire value chain, monitoring progress, analyzing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and acting on deviations from targets;
Ensuring that Lean and Six Sigma training and methods are implemented into the organization. Collaborating with respective teams (Operations, Engineering, etc.) to integrate Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma principles into the order delivery processes;
Being responsible for Occupational Health and Safety, Country Emergency Management (assessing occupational risk at workplace, safety reports, coaching and training of employees, coordination cases related to accidents at work, cooperation with external companies and regulatory organs in the framework of health and safety activities);
Representing the department in frequent cross-functional interactions and possible customer, subcontractor, or vendor contacts.
Implementing and ensuring compliance with global and local standards rules, tools, policies and processes related to operations/project execution and shares functional best practices and lessons learned across the organization;
Being responsible for the successful implementation and improvement of the Quality, Safety and Environment Management System (9001,14001,18001) , external , internal and customer's audits;
Working with local management team to set coherent and aligned improvement priorities and targets across the entire value chain, monitoring progress, analyzing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and acting on deviations from targets;
Ensuring that Lean and Six Sigma training and methods are implemented into the organization. Collaborating with respective teams (Operations, Engineering, etc.) to integrate Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma principles into the order delivery processes;
Being responsible for Occupational Health and Safety, Country Emergency Management (assessing occupational risk at workplace, safety reports, coaching and training of employees, coordination cases related to accidents at work, cooperation with external companies and regulatory organs in the framework of health and safety activities);
Representing the department in frequent cross-functional interactions and possible customer, subcontractor, or vendor contacts.
Management Representative for Quality System Management
COLEX -subsidiary owned to 51% by Clariant International AG
Badania i rozwój
Tworzywa sztuczne
BHP/Ochrona środowiska
Obsługa klienta
Obsługa klienta
Sport (zwłaszcza Zumba), czytanie książek o tematyce historycznej, podróże, dekoracje wnętrz na różne okazje, florystyka , organizacja imprez, wyjazdów ...
Uniwersytet Łódzki
Uniwersytet Łódzki powstał 24 maja 1945 roku jako kontynuator dorobku wcześniejszych instytucji działających w okresie międzywojennym w Łodzi. Obecnie jest jedną z największych polskich uczelni.
HR w firmach produkcyjnych
Grupa dla osób, dla których "produkcja" to przede wszystkim ludzie, a nie maszyny
Celem tej grupy jest kontakt osób zainteresowanych logistyką szeroko rozumianej. Wymiana wiedzy i doświadczenia z tej dziedziny.
Psychologia społeczna
Psychologia społeczna bada w jaki sposób ludzie wywierają wpływ na myśli, zachowania i uczucia innych ludzi.
Stowarzyszenie Etycznego Biznesu
Nieformalna grupa dla ludzi kierujących się w życiu zawodowym zasadami etyki. Moralność, uczciwość i lojalność jedyną drogą do sukcesu.
Tworzywa sztuczne
Zapraszam wszystkich, którzy mają związek z tworzywami sztucznymi tj. z surowcami, przetwórstwem, działalnością badawczo-naukową, studentów.