Prawo jazdy
Event Management
Microsoft Office
Zarządzanie biurem
Praca w zespole
System Windows
Prawo jazdy kat B
Doświadczenie zawodowe
Office Manager/GM Assistant
Operating the smooth flow of the reception
Managing efficient flow of information within the company
Maintaining calendars and performing all necessary scheduling
Coordinating travel arrangements and logistics (airline tickets, restaurants, conference rooms, hotels)
General maintenance of the office and arranging for necessary repairs
Draft and prepare documents and correspondence in Polish and English
Polish - English translations
Organization of the company events, conferences etc.
Cooperation with external partners
Caring for office supplies and foods
Close cooperation with Marketing Department
Managing efficient flow of information within the company
Maintaining calendars and performing all necessary scheduling
Coordinating travel arrangements and logistics (airline tickets, restaurants, conference rooms, hotels)
General maintenance of the office and arranging for necessary repairs
Draft and prepare documents and correspondence in Polish and English
Polish - English translations
Organization of the company events, conferences etc.
Cooperation with external partners
Caring for office supplies and foods
Close cooperation with Marketing Department
NOMIA restaurant
Comprehensive management of premises:
Personnel management, recruitment and selection
Creating marketing strategies and their implementation
Cost control and optimization
Supervision over the quality of services provided
Acquiring and maintaining solid relationships with key partners and suppliers
Attracting customers, initiating new projects, promoting and creating a positive image of the restaurant
Representation in external relations
Personnel management, recruitment and selection
Creating marketing strategies and their implementation
Cost control and optimization
Supervision over the quality of services provided
Acquiring and maintaining solid relationships with key partners and suppliers
Attracting customers, initiating new projects, promoting and creating a positive image of the restaurant
Representation in external relations
Organizacja i obsługa imprez
Hand-made jewelry
Psychology of management
Psychology of management
Active English
Goldenline's forum in English for professionals with a passion to learn and share their knowledge. :o)
We are not limited to British or American English but all the varieties of the language are welc
Akademia Managera HR
Akademia Managera HR przeznaczona jest przede wszystkim dla pracowników działów personalnych.
Goldenline's international English-speaking group.
English with native speakers of English.
Artykuły Eventowe Kupię Sprzedam
Masz do sprzedania coś przydatnego na Event?
Szukasz czegoś konkretnego na Event?
Poszukujesz konkretnej dekoracji/sprzętu na Event?
-sprzęt rtv
-inne sprzęt
Biznes i macierzyństwo
Jeśli chcesz skutecznie godzić rolę mamy i własnej szefowej
– tu znajdziesz konkretną pomoc i wsparcie.
Będąc w grupie zadaj sobie w pierwszej kolejności pytanie: jak mogę pomóc? A dopiero w drugie
Business Marketing
Marketing Sekrety. Social Media Marketing. Marketing wirusowy, marketing szeptany, event marketing, experiential marketing, guerilla marketing, marketing doświadczeń, content marketing.