Employer Branding
Rekrutacje wysokiego szczebla
konsulting HR
Wyławianie talentów
zarządzanie talentami
Rekrutacje techniczne
Recruiting, Sourcing
Doświadczenie zawodowe
Account Manager/Sale&Recruitment Consultant
Express Staffing Solutions
• managing candidates’ recruitment process from first contact to
offer stage, including CV screenings, telephone and face-to-face
interview (vetting), contract extensions, invoice etc
• Face to face in-depth interviews with candidates, ascertaining
their suitability through competency based questions
• checking references and suitability of applicants before referral
to employers for interview; arranging interviews for the right
candidates with the clients
• using sales, business development and marketing techniques in
order to attract business from client companies
• maintaining and expanding relationships with existing clients;
attending clients meetings
• developing a good understanding of what client companies do and
their work culture
• managing incoming clients and candidates requirements, clients
and candidates concerns/complaints
• responsible for Temporary placement within the Rail filed,
placing suitable candidates in short and long term placements;
training new starters on internal processes
• managing around 45 staff on site;
• working to monthly and weekly KPI’s and Targets
offer stage, including CV screenings, telephone and face-to-face
interview (vetting), contract extensions, invoice etc
• Face to face in-depth interviews with candidates, ascertaining
their suitability through competency based questions
• checking references and suitability of applicants before referral
to employers for interview; arranging interviews for the right
candidates with the clients
• using sales, business development and marketing techniques in
order to attract business from client companies
• maintaining and expanding relationships with existing clients;
attending clients meetings
• developing a good understanding of what client companies do and
their work culture
• managing incoming clients and candidates requirements, clients
and candidates concerns/complaints
• responsible for Temporary placement within the Rail filed,
placing suitable candidates in short and long term placements;
training new starters on internal processes
• managing around 45 staff on site;
• working to monthly and weekly KPI’s and Targets
Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie
Rekrutacja/Employer Branding
Polish Professionals in London
HR Management
organizacja non-profit
HR Management
organizacja non-profit
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu to jedna z najlepszych uczelni w Polsce. W uznanych rankingach polskich szkół wyższych UAM sytuuje się w ścisłej czołówce najlepszych uczelni
EXCEL w praktyce
Pytania, wskazówki, odpowiedzi, komentarze, usprawnienie pracy w EXCELu. Cel: wzajemna pomoc, wymiana doświadczeń, propozycje usprawnień pracy
Grupa zrzesza osoby, które otwarte są na zastosowanie nowatorskich rozwiązań w procesach rekrutacyjnych.
Trenerzy Biznesu/Szkolenia "miękkie"
Grupa poświęcona zagadnieniom związanym z działaniami szkoleniowymi w organizacjach.