Agnieszka Sokołowska

Dyrektor Zarządzający Makroregionem Centralnym Banku BPH
Marki, mazowieckie


bankowość Kredyt Karty kredytowe Kredyty Restrukturyzacja Handel Bankowość detaliczna Zarządzanie ryzykiem



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Bank BPH
Managing Director of the Central Macro-region
Bank Millennium S.A.
Regional Director – Retail Department
Management of sales of three business lines: Retail, Business, Prestige: implementation of sales plans.
Management of critical situations.

▪ Third place in "Millennium Champion Leaque" in 2010 (Total number of regions = 32)in business line

▪ First place in "Millennium Champion Leaque" in 2010 (Total number of regions = 32)in attracting new clients in business line

2007-2008 Regional Director – Network's Development
Recruitment of workers (200 persons annually), training and management of a team (200 – 400 persons),
Creation of sales network (30 posts annually): from the moment of choosing location to obtaining the profitability.
Management of sales of three business lines: Retail, Business, Prestige: implementation of sales plans.
Management of critical situations.

▪ First place in "Millennium Champion Leaque" in 2008 (Total number of regions = 26)
▪ Participation in exclusive internal program "GROW PLUS".
▪ Participation in the debate “Everything for a Client” in Gazeta Bankowa,
▪ Participation in the “Internal Control Project”, which in cooperation with KPMG assessed and lowered risk of conducted banking activity.
▪ Participation in the “Branch IT Care” project: supervising and supporting Bank branches in the assessment of functioning of systems and applications.
▪ Co-creation of valid System of Motivation and Development.
Żagiel S.A.
Sales manager
- Independent conducting the branch office: recruitment of workers, accomplishment of sales plans, giving credits, issuing decisions, vindication of receivables.
▪Regular implementation of sales plans over fixed level.
▪Building the Credit Products Sales Network from the basis.
▪Gaining the position of leader with regard to sales in Malopolska.
Agamar Travel
-Complex management of the Office: organisation of sales network, hiring employees, winning clients and customer service, organisation of tourist events, management of 18-person team.
-Management of critical situations: life hazard, death of participant, robbery of passports.
▪Winning mass clients: Katowice Steelworks "Huta Katowice", Mining – Metallurgical Plants “ZGH-Boleslaw”, Olkusz Factory of Enamelled Utensils "Emailia S.A.", Coke Works "Koksownia Przyjaźń", Marshal Office of the Malopolska Voiovodeship, etc.
▪Gaining the position of leader in the area of organising summer camps in Italy (1500 person yearly).
▪Obtaining turnover amount exceeding 2 mln PLN.

Szkolenia i kursy

Numerous trainings and courses in years 2000 – 2008 in the area of managerial skills:
Conflict management, Standards of sales and customer service, as well as supporting post managers – Millemaster 3, Communication in a team, Team building, Professional Presentations, People management, Time management and making decisions, Conducting couching, Assessment and development of workers competences, Self-motivation, Strength and resistance of a representative, Self-presentation and creating an image, Telephone calls, Efficient dialogue in sales of services, Basic principles of the enterprise assessment, Training of psychological skills, Client decision-making strategies, How to keep won client.

Numerous trainings and courses in years 2000 – 2008 in the area of banking:
Investment funds in the Prestige offer, Investment funds TFI CITI BH, Prevention and vindication, Protection and ways of forging documents.


European Management Studies, studia podyplomowe
Krakowska Szkoła Biznesu


Swimming (certificate of lifeguard, motor-boating yachtsman).
Diving (certificate: Normotic Trimix).
Travelling (certificate of resident and foreign tours guide).


-Great skills and engagement in work with a team,
-Natural leader of a team,
-Great proficiency in operational actions and in accomplishment of fixed objectives,
-Highly developed communication and interpersonal skills, great efficiency in the area of influencing,
-Efficient work under pressure of time and stress,
-Ambitious, open for changes and development through practical experiences.


Bank Millennium S.A.
Bank Millennium S.A.
Grupa zrzeszająca wszystkich pracowników i osoby związane z Bankiem Millennium oraz grupą kapitałową Millennium.
Escorp. Sprzedaż złota i srebra
Escorp. Sprzedaż złota i srebra
Grupa dla osób chcących współpracować z firmą Escorp Noble Metal Investment. Jest to firma, która rozpoczyna działalność w Polsce i zajmuje sie dystrybucją złota i srebra w sztabkach i w monetach. Dzi
Łowcy Biznesu
Łowcy Biznesu
Projekt „Łowcy Biznesu” ma na celu stworzenie sieci inwestorów, gotowych zainwestować środki finansowe w innowacyjne małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa poszukujące kapitału na dalszy rozwój