Adam Frank

English Teacher


  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie What are you good at?
    26.09.2009, 13:56

    The Good:
    I tend to be better than average at almost everything, which may be the result of wanting to be as much as it is anything else. I'm exceptional at very few things, however. I am best at shooting green shells in Mario Kart. It's a very specific skill, useful for nothing, besides making your friends want to stop playing Mario Kart with you anymore. :D I think I'm good at being a husband, and I am pretty sure that I am good at looking at things and finding a way to make them more efficient, or at integrating skills and ideas across different fields where others might not think of any connection.

    The bad:
    I am not so good at learning languages, and I don't retain calculus-based mathematics skills well.

    The ugly:
    Tolerating heavily self-destructive actions around me. I get mad with people that casually take others' lives into their own hands and who are then very careless, like drunk drivers, users, and abusers.

  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie What's your alignment?
    26.09.2009, 13:44

    I believe in chaos in some things and an equal amount of order and law in we set the reset button or do we keep on with the order we have...but I don't think I could be a teacher without a sense of need to help my fellow man (and women and children). Maybe Neutral-Good?

  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie FFF 18.09.2009
    18.09.2009, 08:07

    Steve Jones:
    Thanks to Anetta Markowicz with the double T for these ones!

    I didn't edit a damn thing here:)

    1. You wake up after a severe accident. The good news is that you’re alive, but there is also bad news: you lost 4 out of 5 senses (don’t ask me how you got to know it, you just did) but you still don’t know which one’s left. Which sense would you hope to retain most?

    Common sense. It's actually the rarest of them. But seriously, I'd be useless and almost unable to do any quality work without neural feedback from touch (except to the circus), but a marriage needs some touchin' too, on the other hand. All my hobbies require a sense of sight, though, so that would be hard to be without too.
    2. Remember „What Women Want?” with Mel Gibson? If you were given the ability of hearing opposite sex’ thoughts, what would you like to find out most?

    The things they don't seem to actually actively think about? Like why sexy underwear should be worn under an outfit, no matter what it is, especially since they don't actually want anyone to see it. Really, what is that about? The whole "I need to be sexy for people I don't want to find me sexy or who I don't care about what they think of me."
    3. Would you agree to act as a model in a nude (and I mean REALLY nude!) photo session for important charity purposes?

    Probably not unless it was something that would earn a lot of money. I don't think I have that kind of attraction, lol
    4. If you were to choose only one-sentence quote, a motto, to describe your life at the moment, what sentence would it be?

    What is past is past, it is what it is and what will be will be.
    5. Any plans for the weekend?

    I haven't even given it a moment's thought until you asked!

  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie What should be free on the internet?
    21.08.2009, 21:56

    Murdoch and the quality people at Fox have been making weird executive decisions for a long time, many of which they revoke or just anger people with. They've done it with books before too, not just TV, and so internet would be a likely "frontier" for them to try something like this with. Would it stick? I don't do you compete with BBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, NY Times, Guardian, etc. with free online news if you are Fox? We're too close to a model of "perfect competition" in internet news...I don't really know if many would actually pay for Murdoch and his affiliates' news online.

  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Can you picture yourself living in another country?
    21.08.2009, 21:50

    Jarek A.:
    Adam Frank:
    Jarek A.:
    Aneta Frank:
    I guess it would work if we chose Florence :)
    Nope. Funnily enough Tuscany is one of those italian regions where the temperatures are very low during winter. Unless you move to the coast...

    Not true. Florence has significantly warmer air, year-round. It would be rare for there to be a month that it could approach anywhere NEAR the average daily temperatures that we have around Warsaw.

    Check here.
    Been there, done that. Experienced winter in Florence and on the coast. I didn't say Florence is colder than Warsaw. Clearly, what I said was that it can be colder than other parts of Italy and that -20C is not that uncommon there.

    The record low for the history of recorded temperatures is -23, and the averages are still higher than almost anywhere around here, so it should work just fine, hahaha...

  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Afghan 'food for sex' law:
    20.08.2009, 23:37

    warren whitmore:
    Aneta Frank:
    warren whitmore:
    Aneta Frank:
    No we should just get involved in everything we don't like even if it's really none of our business. And even if we shouldn't get involved.

    Your thinking seems a little confused here, Aneta.
    Why is that?

    Read what you wrote carefully.

    It doesn't make sense.

    It's clearly sarcasm.

  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Five for Friday 21.08.2009
    20.08.2009, 23:14

    Aneta Frank:
    Steve Jones:
    Thanks to Tommi Sobonen for these!

    1. what kind of vacation do you prefer?
    -Active ( hiking,yachting, diving, etc)
    -Hedonist - (sun bathing , eating, and burning fat down in the clubs) :)
    active + hedonist :)

    The same!
    2.Car, Motorbike or Bicycle?
    a bicycle in summer, a car in winter

    I might prefer the train in winter to be honest...ours are rubbish in the U.S.A. good for little but heavy cargo, so I appreciate them here.
    3.What was your favourite toy when you were a child?
    I don't think I had a favorite toy.. I liked my small spade that I used to explore the playground with :)

    It was legos. Not exactly "a" toy.
    4.Do you add parmesan cheese to seafood? :)
    I only like fish. And I do not add parmesan to it.

    I can't eat hardly anything BUT fish, and some fish is excellent with parmesan.
    5.If you would have a chance to choose your incarnation in your next life...what would you choose?
    I don't believe in it so I don't know.

    A big kitty!Adam Frank edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.08.09 o godzinie 23:15

  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Can you picture yourself living in another country?
    20.08.2009, 22:55

    Jarek A.:
    Aneta Frank:
    I guess it would work if we chose Florence :)
    Nope. Funnily enough Tuscany is one of those italian regions where the temperatures are very low during winter. Unless you move to the coast...

    Not true. Florence has significantly warmer air, year-round. It would be rare for there to be a month that it could approach anywhere NEAR the average daily temperatures that we have around Warsaw.

    Check here.

  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Political Correctness
    20.08.2009, 22:46

    The idea behind "Political Correctness" is just funny to me...generally when one complains that something isn't "PC" they really just mean this:

    "Free speech is nice, but I'd rather control what you talk and think about. To make this easier to enforce, I'll tell you to do it in the name of 'politeness', and hope you don't realize that it's the opposite of free speech."

    Lovely. :PAdam Frank edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.08.09 o godzinie 22:56

  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Things we (deeply) appreciate in life
    20.08.2009, 22:35

    Aneta Frank:
    love - it keeps me going
    food - I eat all the time
    shower - there's nothing better than a refreshing shower
    sun - makes me smile

    This lady. Video games. Food.

  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Can you picture yourself living in another country?
    11.08.2009, 20:35

    Jarek A.:
    Adam Frank:
    How about Sweden in the Summer, so she can tan all day long and Italy in the Winter? Can I have two? Is that against the rules?
    That wouldn't work, man. Winter in Italy can be as cold as -20C, and not just high in the Alps.

    Still a lot more temperate than where I come from, at least...I'm a desert child.

  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Ask a geek (TM)
    10.08.2009, 21:58

    I wish to formally apologize to all of the human race for the unleashing of the monster known as "Vista," on behalf of the United States of America and its citizens.

    We may have invented electricity, modern lighting, the internet, the phone, and damn-near everything else, but I know that this is little consolation after this tragic, TRAGIC mistake.

    ...thank you, and please try to resume your normal lives as if Vista never happened.

  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie The Book Club
    10.08.2009, 21:52

    ...I also absolutely HAVE to recommend "The Alphabet of Manliness" to everyone. It is tongue-in-cheek humor, but essentially describes why men are superior from the most strongly possible pig-headed, masculine point of view that is not during any sentence meant to be serious. It is so raw and uncut (including the ridiculous pictures of how to headbutt a women that is out of line in the ovaries) that even a feminist like myself can't keep from LOLing and even occasionally doing a ROFL-copter!

    By the way, that "Sun Tzu's Art of War"? Also a good suggestion, but you got to be ready to think of it in terms of "leadership" or else it might not do you much good.

    The same goes for "The Book of the Five Rings" by Miyamoto Musashi (Shambalaya has a very good translation of that) which talks of martial arts but the ditzy may not see how it actually applies to leadership and in general how to live in a balanced but simpler way rather than try to overcompensate for things without fear.

  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie The Book Club
    10.08.2009, 21:30

    I can't stop reading and rereading the Saga of Recluce (a series) by L.E. Modesitt, Jr. The guy crafts worlds amazingly well, and has such clear intelligence! The whole thing is kinda sci-fi fantasy, stretched over about 2000 years, and is on it's 16th book or so, so you might wanna take notes if you'd like to try it out. Most can be read without the others, unless they are direct sequels within a time period (and then they might be a little confusing). The whole thing is wrapped up in Order-Chaos theory, which can quite literally be applied to ANYTHING in life.

    Otherwise, the Wheel of Time series was pretty good, but a bit too directly Tolkien, and the Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind, (also starting in a Tolkien-ish way, but moving quickly out of it after the first book) was the best overall writing that I have ever touched, although the vocab might be a bit high for most natives in English even, it's concepts and vision of the beauty and vileness of human beings is enough to bring most full-grown men to tears, and to be in awe.

  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie What adjective(s) would you use to describe Poles?
    10.08.2009, 21:11

    Fulfilling nearly every positive and negative stereotype including the ones stated, but they're all split-up amongst different people and scattered across the populous.

    In other words, some of the correct answers to this are as follows:

    -...and other properties which can be applied to humans!

  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie The Quotes Thread (funny/ philosophical/ inspirational)
    10.08.2009, 20:54

    "Never play leap-frog with a unicorn."

    -Brian Russel Warwick (and I'm privileged to call him "friend.")

  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie The Quotes Thread (funny/ philosophical/ inspirational)
    10.08.2009, 20:27

    Krzysztof Bryzek:
    Just made my day :)

    Tatiana S.:
    I don't drink water. Fish fuck in it.

    (heard long ago)

    And now a quote thread killer by Oscar Wilde:
    "Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."Krzysztof Bryzek edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.08.08 o godzinie 20:52

    Ah but it was the oft-quoted Ralph Waldo Emerson who stated: "I hate quotes; tell me what you know." Oh...the irony.
    ...and yet I still quote.

  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Can you picture yourself living in another country?
    10.08.2009, 20:24

    Lidia K.:
    How good is your Polish, Adam? :)

    Rozumiem tylko trohei! So...uh...bad!

  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Can you picture yourself living in another country?
    10.08.2009, 19:49

    warren whitmore:
    Invite your husband here, Aneta.

    I got your husband right here. Or rather, I am it.

    I like to be cold unlike Aneta, so I'm not sure where I could live and she could live and have us be in a "perfect" climate. However, I like Europe so far, and I can't find work as an ESL teacher in the Anglo-speaking countries, so I can't be too far off.

    How about Sweden in the Summer, so she can tan all day long and Italy in the Winter? Can I have two? Is that against the rules?

  • Adam Frank
    Wpis na grupie Anglosphere w temacie Welcome and Introductions:
    10.08.2009, 19:45

    Rather than resort to jealousy of my wife's addiction to Anglosphere, I've decided to join as per request. Works for me! Still new to Poland, only been here for about 2 1/2 months, but getting comfortable.

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