Junior Project Manager (Spanish speaking), Kraków - oferta pracy - GoldenLine.pl Brainly.com - Junior Project Manager (Spanish speaking)

Oferta archiwalna



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Junior Project Manager (Spanish speaking)

Miejsce pracy: Kraków
Region: małopolskie

Opis stanowiska:

JUNIOR PROJECT MANAGER will be responsible for management Spanish-speaking version of Brainly.com – misdeberes.es. The duties will also contain:

  • management of the community (including the group of moderators and users of the portal)

  • promotion of the website (including organization of marketing activities, contacting media, creation and distribution of press releases)

  • optimization the functionality of the website

  • active participation in the development of the Spanish-speaking version of the website and other services of Brainly.com group


  • Fluency in Spanish (min. C1 level in the CEFR scale)

  • Extensive knowledge of the internet and social media

  • Excellent time management skills

  • Ability to recognize and resolve conflicts

  • Strong communication skills, both verbal and written

  • Good knowledge of English

An advantage will be:

  • Knowledge of Spanish startups

  • Ability to transform ideas into projects (experience with Axure or other mockup software)

  • Knowledge of analytical tools and instruments for measuring users' activity (Google Analytics, Kissmetrics etc.)

  • Basic HTML


Prosimy o dopisanie następującej klauzuli "Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie z przepisami ustawy z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych - Dz. U. z 2002 r. nr 101, poz. 926 z późn. zm.)".