poeta, tłumacz,
krytyk literacki i
wydawca; wolny ptak
Temat: Poezja anglojęzyczna
Brian Patten (ur. 1946) - poeta angielski. Urodził się i wychował na przedmieściach Liverpoolu, w środowisku robotniczym. Edukację szkolną zakończył w 15 roku życia, wtedy też zaczął drukować swoje pierwsze wiersze. Przez półtora roku redagował pismo literackie „Underdog”, w którym publikował swoje utwory i swoich przyjaciół, m. im. Rogera McGougha
i Adriana Henriego. W klubach i pubach organizował spotkania autorskie, na których prezentowana była poezja młodych liverpoolskich autorów w połączeniu z muzyką, piosenką i komentarzami. Prezentacja utworów poetyckich na spotkaniach narzucała ich styl, dostosowany do odbioru ze słuchu, operujący prostym, potocznym językiem z dużą
dawką humoru. Wiersze Pattena wcześniej znane były z jego mistrzowskich recytacji, niż
z publikacji. Po krótkim epizodzie liverpoolskim, poeta zaczął podróżować, zarówno po Anglii, jak i za granicę, m. in. do Francji i Hiszpanii. Po powrocie do Liverpoolu, pisywał przez jakiś czas felietony o muzyce młodzieżowej i kontynuował swoje spotkania autorskie w pubach, college’ach, salach koncertowych. Zaczął też pisać dla radia, telewizji i teatru. Obok poezji, także powieści i bardzo cenione, również za granicą, książki dla dzieci. Mieszka w Londynie, ale często ucieka do swego wiejskiego domu w Kornwalii. Najważniejsze jego książki poetyckie, to: „Little Johnny's Confession” (1967), „Notes to the Hurrying Man” (1969), „The Irrelevant Song” (1970; 1975), „The Mersey Sound. Revised” (1974), “Vanishing Trick” (1976), “Grave Gossip” (1979), “Love Poems” (1981), “Storm Damage” (1988), “Thawing Frozen Frog” (1990), “Impossible Parents” (1994), “Storm Damage” (1995), “Armada” (1996), “The Blue and Green Ark: An Alphabet for Planet Earth” (1999), “Juggling with Gerbils” (2000), “The Story Giant: (2001), “The Impossible Parents Go Green” (2001), “Ben's Magic Telescope” (2003), “The Monster's Guide to Choosing a Pet” (2005), “The Puffin Book of Modern Children's” (2006), “Selected Poems” (2007), “Collected Love Poems” (2007).
Po polsku wiersze Briana Pattena opublikowano w książce: Piotr Sommer: Antologia nowej poezji brytyjskiej. Przełożyli Jarosław Anders, Piotr Sommer, Bohdan Zadura. Czytelnik, Warszawa 1983.Wydano też wybór jego wierszy w tomie: Brian Patten: Teraz będziemy spać, leżeć bez ruchu lub ubierzemy się na powrót. Wybór, opracowanie i posłowie Jerzy Jarniewicz. Biuro Literackie, Wrocław 2011 oraz książki dla dzieci: Brian Patten: Słoń i kwiat. Prawie bajki. Przełożył Piotr Sommer. Biuro Literackie, Wrocław 2009 i Brian Patten: Skaczący Myszka. Przełożył Piotr Sommer. Biuro Literackie, Wrocław 2011.
Z tomu "Little Johnny's Confession", 1967
Little Johnny's Confession
This morning
being rather young and foolish
I borrowed a machinegun my father
had left hidden since the war, went out,
and eliminated a number of small enemies.
Since then I have not returned home.
This morning
swarms of police with trackerdogs
wander about the city
with my description printed
on their minds, asking:
”Have you seen him,
He is seven years old,
likes Pluto, Mighty Mouse
and Biffo The Bear,
have you seen him, anywhere?”
This morning
sitting alone in a strange playground,
muttering Youve blundered Youve blundered
over and over to myself
I work out my next move
but cannot move;
the trackerdogs will sniff me out,
they have my lollypops.
przekład Piotra Sommera pt. „Wyznanie Małego Johnny”
w temacie Patologia wokół nas
Maud, 1965
Maud, where are you Maud?
With your long dresses and peachcream complexion;
In what cage did you hang that black bat night?
What took place in the garden? Maud, it is over,
You can tell us now.
Still lyrical but much used, you wander about the suburbs
Watching the buses go past full of young happy people,
Wondering where the garden is, wherever can it be,
And how can it be lost. Maud, it's no use.
Can it be that you got yourself lost
And are living with an out of work musician,
You share a furnished room and have an old wireless
That tells you the latest bad news.
What's happening Maud?
Do you wear a Mary Quant dress
And eat fish and chips alone at night?
Where are you? and are you very lost,
Very much alone? Do you have stupendous dreams
And wake with one hand on your breast, and
The other on your cunt?
Do you cry for that garden, lost among pornographic
Where the concrete flowers neither open nor close;
Who poured weedkiller over your innocence?
We could not find that garden for you,
Even if we tried.
So, come into the city Maud,
Where the flowers are too quickly picked
And the days are murdered as if they were enemies.
Maud, is that you I see
Alone among the office blocks,
Head bowed, young tears singing popsorrow
On your cheeks?
przekład Piotra Sommera pt. „Maud, 1965”
w temacie Kobiecy portret
After Breakfast
After breakfast,
Which is usually coffee and a view
Of teeming rain and the Cathedral old and grey but
Smelling good with grass and ferns
I go out thinking of all those people who've come into this
And have slept here
Sad and naked
Alone in pairs
Who came together and
Were they young and white with
Some hint of innocence?
Or did they come simply to come,
To fumble then finally tumble apart,
Or, were they older still, past sex,
Lost in mirrors, contemplating their decay and
What did the morning mean to them?
Perhaps once this room was the servants quarter.
Was she young with freckles, with apple breasts?
Did she ever laugh?
Tease the manservant with her 19th Century charms
And her skirts whirling,
Did she look out through the skylight
And wish she were free, and
What did she have for breakfast?
Waking this morning I think
How good it would be to have someone to share breakfast
Whole families wakingl
A thousand negligees, pyjamas, nightgowns
All wandering down to breakfast
How secure 1 and
Others coming out the far end of dawn
Having only pain and drizzle for breakfast,
Waking always to be greeted with the poor feast of daylight.
How many halflives
Sulking behind these windows
From basement to attic
Complaining and asking
Who will inherit me today?
Who will I share breakfast with?
And always the same answer coming back?
The rain will inherit you? lonely breakfaster!
przekład Piotra Sommera pt. „Po śniadaniu”
w tematach” Samotność i W wynajętych pokojach
Z tomu „Notes to the Hurrying Man”, 1969
Portrait of a Young Girl Raped at a Suburban Party
And after this quick bash in the dark
You will rise and go
Thinking of how empty you have grown
And of whether all the evening's care in front of mirrors
And the younger boys disowned
Led simply to this.
Confined to what you are expected to be
By what you are
Out in the frozen garden
You shiver and vomit -
Frightened, drunk among trees,
You wonder at how those acts that called for tenderness
Were far from tender.
Now you have left your titterings about love
And your childishness behind you
Yet still far from being old
You spew up among flowers
And in the warm stale rooms
The party continues.
It seems you saw some use in moving away
From that group of drunken lives
Yet already ten minutes pregnant
In twenty thousand you might remember
This party
This dull Saturday night
When planets rolled out of your eyes
And splashed down in suburban grasses.
przekład Piotra Sommera pt. „Portret młodej dziewczyny zgwałconej
na podmiejskiej prywatce” w tematach: Patologia wokół nas
i Upokorzenie, wstyd, hańba...
You Come to me Quiet as Rain Not Yet Fallen
You come to me quiet as rain not yet fallen
Afraid of how you might fail yourself your
dress seven summers old is kept open
in memory of sex, smells warm, of boys,
and of the once long grass.
But we are colder now; we have not
Love’s first magic here. You come to me
Quiet as bulbs not yet broken
Out into sunlight.
The fear I see in your now lining face
Changes to puzzlement when my hands reach
For you as branches reach. Your dress
Does not fall easily, nor does your body
Sing of it won accord. What love added to
A common shape no longer seems a miracle.
You come to me with your age wrapped in excuses
And afraid of its silence.
Into the paradise our younger lives made of this bed and room
Has leaked the world and all its questioning
and now those shapes terrify us most
that remind us of our own. Easier now
to check longings and sentiment,
to pretend not to care overmuch,
you look out across the years, and you come to me
quiet as the last of our senses closing.
przekład Piotra Sommera pt. "Przychodzisz do mnie spokojna jak deszcz
co jeszcze nie spadł" w temacie Miłości sprzed lat
Z tomu „The Irrelevant Song”, 1972
These Songs Were Begun One Winter
This song was begun underneath the thumb
Of one who’s thickened by the cold
Listless, longer, bolder than perhaps he ought to be
Forgive quiet and then lie down here lengthways on the floor
Hoping that the blood with flow again
Easily forgot, what was lifted first felt
An anchor to the blood
Howling at the moon as the stars are falling fast
Leaves Wind Earth and Rain
We look forward to look back
przekład Jerzego Jarniewicza pt. „Te piosenki powstały pewnej zimy”
w temacie Wspomnienia
Poem Written in the Street on a Rainy Evening
Everything I lost was found again.
I tasted wine in my mouth.
My heart was like a firefly; it moved
Through the darkest objects laughing.
There were enough reasons why this was happening
But I never stopped to think about them.
I could have said it was your face,
Could have said I’d drunk something idiotic,
But no one reason was sufficient,
No one reason was relevant.
My joy outshone dull surroundings.
A feast was spread; a world
Was suddenly made edible.
And there was forever to taste it.
przekład Jerzego Jarniewicza pt. „Wiersz napisany na ulicy w pewien
deszczowy wieczór” w temacie Szczęście
Z tomu "The Vanishing Trick", 1976
No Taxis Available
It is absurd not knowing where to go.
You wear the streets like an overcoat.
Certain houses are friends, certain houses
Can no longer be visited.
Old love-affairs lurk in doorways, behind windows
Women grow older. Neglection blossoms.
You have turned down numerous invitations,
Left the telephones unanswered, said ‘No’
To the few that needed you.
Stranded on an island of your own invention
You have thrown out messages, longings.
How useless it is knowing that where you want to go
Is nowhere concrete.
The trains will not take you there,
The red buses glide past without stopping,
No taxis are available.
przekład Jerzego Jarniewicza pt. „I za cholerę żadnej
taksówki” w temacie Poezja codzienności
One Another's Light
I do not know what brought me here
Away from here I've hardly ever been and now
Am never likely to go again.
Faces are lost, and places passed
At which I could have stopped,
And stopping, been glad enough.
Some faces left a mark,
And I on them might have wrought
Some kind of charm or spell
To make their futures work,
But it's hard to guess
How one person on another
Works an influence.
We pass, and lit briefly by one another's light
Hope the way we go is right.
przekład Jerzego Jarniewicza pt. "We wzajemnym świetle"
w temacie Wstrzymaj się chwilo, jesteś tak piękna!...
Z tomu "Armada”, 1996
Our Lives Had Grown So Empty
Remember the hibiscus we planted last spring?
Well, it flowered.
There is no other news.
przekład Andrzeja Szuby pt. „Nasze życie stało się takie puste”
w temacie ”Okrutną zagadką jest życie”...
Inessential Things
What do cats remember of days?
They remember the ways in from the cold,
the warmest spot, the place of food.
They remember the places of pain, their enemies,
the irritation of birds, the warm fumes of the soil,
the usefulness of dust.
They remember the creak of a bed, the sound
of their owner’s footsteps,
the taste of fish, the loveliness of cream.
Cats remember what is essential of days.
Letting all other memories go as of not worth
they sleep sounder than we,
whose hearts break remembering so many
inessential things.
przekład Piotra Sommera pt. "Rzeczy nieważne"
w temacie Sierściuchy
Inne wiersze Briana Pattena w tematach: Śmierć, Wątki szekspirowskie w poezji, Przypowieść, O przemijaniu..., Mów do mnie.../Potrawy i napoje..., Erotyka, s. 9,
s. 12, To (nie) jest rozmowa na telefon..., Metamorfozy, Bajki, Sierściuchy, Poezja codzienności, Kalendarz poetycki na cały rok, Nagość/Wstrzymaj się chwilo, jesteś
tak piękna!..., Miej serce i patrzaj w serce, Nudzę się, nudzę piekielnie..., Magia kina, Uroda i kosmetyki, czyli poetycko o pielęgnacji i upiększaniu ciała, Pożądanie, fantazje erotyczneRyszard Mierzejewski edytował(a) ten post dnia 24.08.11 o godzinie 22:42