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Temat: Turkey:

Thanks, Steven. Now I know a little more. What they serve here in Warsaw must be some Polish kebab.
Good question - what other food does Turkey offer?
Ilter, is there any Polish food that you like?

Well, no, it isn't just a Polish phenomenon. It was the same in Paris, and in the UK pitta bread with bits of old meat and a gallon of garlic mayonaise are synonymous with Turkish or Cypriot 'cuisine'. They don't seem to offer anything else.

I'll have to check out Lokanta then.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Turkey:

Steven H.:
...It was the same in Paris, and in the UK pitta bread with bits of old meat and a gallon of garlic mayonaise are synonymous with Turkish or Cypriot 'cuisine'.
Might be Greek or Cypriot. Mayonnaise is not a part of Turkish cuisine, although it is used in "contemporary" meals.
But I've seen many "traditional looking" restaurants with a claim of being "Turkish".
You might expect me to suggest some meals from Turkish cuisine and I'll do it, but be warned: I've never been too much interested in food, or Turkish cuisine, I just have it without asking the details. :)

If you'd ask me what would I eat in the 1st moment I arrive in Turkey, I'd say: İskender Kabap. All this "Kebab" thing is originated from Arabs, but Turks gave their own touch to it. İskender, Adana and Urfa Kebaps are special. And best to eat Adana kebap in Adana, Urfa in Urfa and İskender in Bursa.

Second thing would be special type of meatballs. I am addicted to it. And that's İnegöl Köfte.

As a typical Turkish cuisine (which means it takes serious time to prepare it), I love Yaprak Sarması. Make sure they serve it with yoghurt.

As a dessert, I recommend Sütlaç (or: "Fırın Sütlaç"). Another page with "more inviting" photos is here.

I may reccoment more stuff later. If something comes to my mind :)
And there is one more restaurant I could recommend, but I don't know whether it is still in the same place or not... I think it was on Jana Pawła II street (somewhere deep, accross the vegetable bazaar) close to Beverly Hills Video.
If I learn its address, I will write it here. It is a small, green, corner restaurant. Teh chief is Bosnian as far as I remember... meals were delicious.

I also found a link for Lokanta's menu, which you can order some Turkish food online (although I'd recommend going to the restaurant and having chat with people, looking at menus and meals with your own eyes) :
If you like hot&spicy food, you can try Lahmacun in "Turkish pizza" section. 2 of them might be enough, I don't exactly know the size of the portions. It is kind of fast food in a Turkish way.
If you go to Lokanta and order Lahmacun, don't forget to order Ayran too (It is something like Kefir but prepared from youghurt+water+some salt. It goes great together with spicy stuff) or Cacık (Greek: Caciki).ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 03.06.08 o godzinie 13:42
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Turkey:

Wendy Tweed:
Ilter, is there any Polish food that you like?
Yes, I like Pierogi for example.
But there's nothing fascinating* for me, except for Pączki. That's amazing :) But the ones with sugar powder on them, not with syrup.

*After 3,5 hours I realized... I don't know why I have used that adjective for food. Was I hungry or just the opposite? I don't know...ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 03.06.08 o godzinie 16:21
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Turkey:

Yesterday a friend of mine asked what to do, and we went to Lokanta 1st :). Last time I went there was about 4 years ago.
I will write a very short review about it later today :)


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Temat: Turkey:

Funny. I read Warsaw Insider yesterday (if 'read' is the right word for it).
Lokanta was in the list of restaurants and the description started well but then said...
"The doner kebab wwill leave you full and happy and is servied fast enough at lunchtime to keep up with your schedule"

The doner is the pitta bread type, right? So they just dug up the old stereotype again.

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Temat: Turkey:

ilter Kalkanci:


that looks great!
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Turkey:

Steven, after being there in Lokanta again yesterday, I realized that restaurant is mainly concentrated on kebap stuff, not home-made "slow-food" Turkish cuisine (or at least, choices are not wide enough).
But all sorts of kebap prepared there is more complicated than the ones in "Kebab Bar"s everywhere in the city. So, Lokanta is not another "fast food" restaurant. It looks rather like the restaurants in Turkey which are specialized on Kebap.
I will try to find (or re-visit) some of the places I used to know for Turkish cuisine. Because vegetable meals are a BIG part of Turkish cuisine.
And next time I go there, I will ask why they don't offer more vegetable stuff. :)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Turkey:

So we went there... One of the reasons that place came to my mind first was, a famous Turkish singer that I had a chat with last week. He came into a studio in Istanbul to make vocal recordings for a project that I am working on. We used video-conferencing with the studio etc.
After we finished he said: "Do you know, I know somebody who owns a restaurant in Warsaw".
Weird, I must say. I've almost never had anyone knowing anybody living in this country.
So he told me the name of the restaurant... "Lokanta", that I've been before.
Then why not to go and see it again... if someone is interested with Turkish food :)


A view from one of the corners. There's enough and airy space, but our table was kind of close to one of the doors.

I was hoping to find something really interesting in the menu as the main course (Like Dolma. But all of the main courses were mainly -as I wrote previously- kebap & döner stuff.

We ordered:
"Dolma",(Actually that thing is called "Sarma" or "Yaprak Sarması". "Dolma" is made from green bell pepper and it is a hot-meal),
"Patlıcan Salata" (paste of grilled eggplants, garlic and lemon juice) as the cold apetizers, and
"Karides Güveç" (shrimp, tomato, mushrooms and pepper casserole; sauted in butter and topped with melted cheddar cheese) as the hot apetizer.
You don't need a starter, but I wanted to try something special before we get to Kebap thingy.

Dolma (I refer to it as "Sarma") was nice, and the grape leaves were soft enough to enjoy it. Too bad, it is configured as a cold apetizer and there were only 4 pieces to try out. :)
When I'm in Turkey, I have usually I dunno... 14 of them? :)
Patlıcan Salata was also nice, although its taste was more European (like they didn't put that much spice to it as in Turkey - I understand the reason though... they don't want to scare Polish people and make them regretting :)

Then the main coursezz...
We ordered 3 different meals (with meat) because wanted to share and try different tastes.

İnegöl Köfte
(Meatballs, İnegöl style. İnegöl is a small village close to Bursa. Which is famous with this 'invention' :)


It was just like the originals. Tasty, well cooked. Some gourmet from İnegöl might critisize it, but it was tasty for me.


Approved by İlter. :P

Şiş Kebap


Probably this is the most famous kebap. You call it "Sish Kebab". Şiş = skewer
The one we ordered was chicken, but there's also the choice of turkey as the meat.
It was tasty too. Though not my favorite.

And then... Specialty:
Beyti Sarma
(Grilled minced beef-lamb seasoned with garlic, wrapped in thin lavash bread and baked in wood-fired oven)


That was the killer. I forgot how nice it tastes...
This one was the showstopper. The meat inside is having a special consistency and taste, surrounding lavash bread makes it even better. And tomato sauce... yummy.
And of cource, a table spoon of yoğurt (learn THE spelling!:)

After all this heavy work, you should definately try Turkish tea in those special -small- glasses.


... and when we were sitting, I saw this handsome guy in a suit passing by our table. I kindly stopped him and asked whether he knows the "singer" I told you about... he said: "Yes, I'm married to his younger sister".

So we had a champagne...


Actually, I've never had a champagne after a Turkish tea, but it was nice. hehe

The owner is a sweet person (who's been living in Poland since late 80s) and he was kind enough to open a bottle of champagne and chat with me couple of minutes.

So, overall, I must say the food was distinctively better than 4 years ago. That's plus. If I'm somewhere in the city center next time and I have some guests, that place will be my secret weapon. :)
Not a wide variety of Turkish cuisine though. I'll ask what 's the reason... probably it is because of the expectancies of Polish clients from a "Turkish food".

It is not a cheap place but the atmosphere and food is worthwhile.

Here are the prices of the things we ordered:
Dolma -- 15 zł
Patlıcan Salata -- 15 zł
Karides Güveç -- 27 zł

İnegöl Köfte -- 21 zł
Şiş Kebap -- 32 zł
Beyti Sarma -- 42 zł (specialty)

Red wine (Merlot Rosso 150 ml.) -- 12 zł
Çay (Herbata po Turecku) -- 3 zł

Let's go together next time! :)ilter Kalkanci edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.06.08 o godzinie 17:51

konto usunięte

Temat: Turkey:

OMG, Ilter, that was amazing! I guess it read almost as well as it tasted.

Temat: Turkey:

there should be a warning about dangerous contents

I started reading it being hungry and now I'm really starving!
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Turkey:

I am really sorry. I tried to post is as late as I can :)

I should be also warning the vegetarians. Those pictures must be disgusting. hehe.

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Temat: Turkey:

Now I know I like disgusting pictures!:)

konto usunięte

Temat: Turkey:

damn man... I am definitely keeping this place in mind.

Temat: Turkey:

Ilter, I hope you won't be angry for my interruption. This is an inexperienced tourist impression.
It was a VERY hot day in June last year.

We went to a market (a typical thing for tourists) and there someone was selling juice with crushed ice. As you see, the ice blocks were covered with blankets. The man crushed it, poured some extremely sweet juice and served to people. Something like this:


You can see me grinning there with half-frozen hands (if you drink it inevitably you get a sore throat) and with a young gentleman who suggested us to try the refreshing drink in the first place ;)


It was something about 35 degrees C or more...Lidia K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.06.08 o godzinie 17:06
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Turkey:

"angry"? "interruption"? Come on! :)
It is great that you shared your photos.
June/July/Augusts are really hot in the south of Turkey.
Please feel invited to share any thoughts, memories.

And it is perfectly ok to talk about bad associations you might have, related to Turkey.

Temat: Turkey:

ok, thanks, I just didn't want to spoil the image of a champagne served daily country ;)
and I don't have any bad memories or associations related to Turkey

if you don't mind I must show you another photo. I'm so proud of this pic. I took it with a digital camera borrowed from a friend as I still don't have mine. I could have even apple tea there in the paradise


it was the 12 island cruise, a stop at the Flat Islands
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Turkey:

Please stop it! Aaarghh! :))))
I feel like taking the 1st plane and jumping into the sea...

Nice photo! :)

Temat: Turkey:

this is not so nice but I also feel like jumping into the sea! ;)

Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Turkey:

And this post is about some Turkish people. Let's call it:
"Outlook of Turkish people in their own environment". Sounds better :P :)

This is how we celebrate after each Turkish wins in important football tournaments.
Some people may also take out their guns and start shooting the sky, but lately it became a serious crime to do that in public.

These people below, are my friends (we used to work together for a radio station, my previous employer).
So don't call them lunatics or fanatics or sort. :P

Actually if I'd remember about these photos during Euro2008, it could fit to the emocje much better, but here it goes:



The girl on the right is my sister :)




I don't know who was holding the camera, but they sent these photos to me to share the emotion while I was in Warsaw.

I think this celebration was after Turkey eliminated Senegal and passed to semifinals in World Cup 2002.

Yes, people in the photos are dancing.
(Although it is not very clear :)
This is a special group dance called: Halay.
It is the most known/popular group dance in Turkey, because it is very easy to do, and noone punishes you if you mess with the sync :)
Unlike the most of the traditional/folkloric dances.

PS. GL somehow distorts the photos to make them fit into the frames, that's why
-especially faces- seems like they are taken from horror movies. Sorry.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.07.08 o godzinie 18:29

Stan K.

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