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Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

Possible or not?
Can a Polish couple raise a bilingual child?
And is it 'safe' for the kid?
What do you think?

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Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

Give me one single reason why people would do that. It's only sensible if you're living abroad or with a native speaker of the other language. Otherwise, it's just freaky. My son has picked up a few words and expressions from what he can hear a few times a week, and playing with English-speaking kids (well, twice a year...), but I cannot image speaking English with him, it would be weird; besides, he wouldn't be able to use it, and, being four, he has more important things to learn.
If I was living with an English-speaking partner I guess it would be natural for them to communicate in their own laguage rather than Polish and would make more sense; besides, I'd use English more often too, I guess. But Polish people speaking English to their own child in Poland is sure wack.

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Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

Kids developing in a bilingual evnvironment may tend to develop more "patiently" in terms of the speech and language skills, and even socially thanks to the delays. But it is a very good advantage to them in the long run.

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Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

Ah. I'm disappointed.
I thought at first it was a 'matrimonial' advert.

Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

I agree with Tatiana.

Not having children myself, but still think that it's so time-consuming and absorbing to bring up a child or two, that anything as fancy as a foreign language in a home of a Polish couple in Poland would be rather impossible.

But if you employ an English nanny? Before the WWII some families used to have French nannies, so the kids were fluent in that language.

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Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

I took the question clinically as usual. Like when I tie my shoes. But I am thinking in neurological terms only. I am deferring to any mother :)

Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

Kasia Pabianek:
Possible or not?
Can a Polish couple raise a bilingual child?

It will be difficult if both parents are Polish, then you shall consider placing the kid in bilingual kindergarten.
And is it 'safe' for the kid?

I used to know German-Dutch couple, kids were raised in German and Dutch but father did not know Dutch, however mother was fluent in German. When parents started arguing the kids were always taking mother's side, ended up in divorce and kids hating their father.
So I think that both parent should know very well both languages.

Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

Joj Y.:
Kids developing in a bilingual evnvironment may tend to develop
more "patiently"

My kids are bilingual but I haven'y noticed that, I would rather say that they were always ahead of their friends..;)

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Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

@ Tatiana - you are absolutely right

@ Joj - I can confirm what you've said. Our older boy started speaking late. At first he developed his own language which, sort of, worried us, but a friend who is a speech therapist said it is normal with kids who are bilingual. Now, Jasper is 3,5 and is like a chatterbox - he still uses words he made up, but for the past few months now he's been speaking in full sentences in English. He udnerstands Polish and would use a few words here and there, but most often if I speak Polish to him he'd reply in English, which is another natural thing for a bilingual kid...
Everyone here says that bilingual kids have got an extra advantage because of growing up in two cultures/languages:)Grazyna N. edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.05.08 o godzinie 13:20

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Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

Andrzej P.:
Joj Y.:
Kids developing in a bilingual evnvironment may tend to develop
more "patiently"

My kids are bilingual but I haven'y noticed that, I would rather say that they were always ahead of their friends..;)
Probably goods genes. I'm bilingual and as dumb as a bag of hammers. :)

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Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

Joj Y.:
Andrzej P.:
Joj Y.:
Kids developing in a bilingual evnvironment may tend to develop
more "patiently"

My kids are bilingual but I haven'y noticed that, I would rather say that they were always ahead of their friends..;)
Probably goods genes. I'm bilingual and as dumb as a bag of hammers. :)

Bilingual in which languages?

Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

warren whitmore:
Joj Y.:
Andrzej P.:
Joj Y.:
Kids developing in a bilingual evnvironment may tend to develop
more "patiently"

My kids are bilingual but I haven'y noticed that, I would rather say that they were always ahead of their friends..;)
Probably goods genes. I'm bilingual and as dumb as a bag of hammers. :)

Bilingual in which languages?

English and German... my kids not Joj;)Andrzej P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.05.08 o godzinie 13:35

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Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

Tatiana S.:
Give me one single reason why people would do that. It's only sensible if you're living abroad or with a native speaker of the other language. Otherwise, it's just freaky. My son has picked up a few words and expressions from what he can hear a few times a week, and playing with English-speaking kids (well, twice a year...), but I cannot image speaking English with him, it would be weird; besides, he wouldn't be able to use it, and, being four, he has more important things to learn.
If I was living with an English-speaking partner I guess it would be natural for them to communicate in their own laguage rather than Polish and would make more sense; besides, I'd use English more often too, I guess. But Polish people speaking English to their own child in Poland is sure wack.

I don't see any reason why couples can't do this if they have sufficient will, and most importantly proficiency, in the target language.

I agree that it's unnatural to speak any language other than your own with your child, however. My wife won't speak English to our child, even when she is in England.

Having two languages spoken in the home doesn't impede a child's development in any way.

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Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

Kasia Pabianek:
Possible or not?
Can a Polish couple raise a bilingual child?
And is it 'safe' for the kid?
What do you think?

The main problem with this is that you can only really speak one language or the other.

I don't think anyone would have the self discipline to speak different languages on alternate days, for example.

You could have one parent speak one language to the child, and the second a different one, but what do you do when you are all together.

Generally speaking, language for most people is a means to an end rather than an end in itself.

The language people find it easiest to communicate in will be the one spoken most often.

Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

My aunt and her husband emigrated to the US when their kids were about 7-9. On the day they arrived their father refused to speak to them in Polish anymore, so they'd be motivated to learn English.

Now the kids are in their mid-twenties, fluent in English, and the older one does not speak any Polish, I'm afraid. The younger one speaks a mix of Polish and English when trying to communicate with Poles.

It's not a funny story, but unfortunately true :(

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Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

Lidia K.:
My aunt and her husband emigrated to the US when their kids were about 7-9. On the day they arrived their father refused to speak to them in Polish anymore, so they'd be motivated to learn English.

Now the kids are in their mid-twenties, fluent in English, and the older one does not speak any Polish, I'm afraid. The younger one speaks a mix of Polish and English when trying to communicate with Poles.

I don't believe anyone really loses their ability to speak a language they were once fluent in.

The older one doesn't speak Polish because he doesn't want to.

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Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

I think it’s very much possible, but it would require for the parents to have a great handle on both languages. It would also take a lot of work. I think it is much easier when both partners are bilingual as well.
I can’t see it to be detrimental in any way, I do have friends here who’s kids speak Polish and English, I have to agree that their speech as well as reading and writing skills developed a bit slower, but it was nothing to go home and cry about, they caught up eventually with out any severe issues.
Why would a family do that? At this point in time, it would be extremely helpful for anyone to be bilingual.

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Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

Lidia K.:
My aunt and her husband emigrated to the US when their kids were about 7-9. On the day they arrived their father refused to speak to them in Polish anymore, so they'd be motivated to learn English.

Really daft move... Also, can you forget your mother tongue when you are 9? Maybe when you are 5 or 6 but 9? It is hard to believe unless the parents were more American than the Americans and tried hard to stop being Polish. I have a cousin who is like that. I can't stand her Midwest Am. English and her now despicable Polish. She was 22 when she left AFAIR.

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Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

Do you speak Polish to your children, Rafal?

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Temat: I'd like to have a bilingual child ...

warren whitmore:
I don't believe anyone really loses their ability to speak a language they were once fluent in.
That was my outtake on it too, but I have met enough people who were born and raised abroad and for a greater part of their life they have been living in the US and have lost the ability to coherently communicate their thoughts in their native tongue.

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