Damian S.

Damian S. Bazinga!

Temat: How to do you understand this?

This is a new english version logo of Poznań:


"Eastern energy, western style" (Energia wschodu, zachodni styl). Does it make any sense? In my opinion, there is something wrong with the translation. I am not sure so I am asking ;)

Happy easter!

Kosma S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.04.10 o godzinie 15:49

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Temat: How to do you understand this?

As far as I know, the previous edition of their campaign based on the word "know-how" failed, since people in Poland had no bloody idea what it was. So they probably refurbished the English version as well.

"Eastern energy" - what comes to my mind first is simply THIS:

Damian S.

Damian S. Bazinga!

Temat: How to do you understand this?

Magda B.:
"Eastern energy" - what comes to my mind first is simply THIS:

Why not fossil fuel supplies? ;)

Paweł G.

Paweł G. Instytut Fizyki
Plazmy i Laserowej
Project ...

Temat: How to do you understand this?

I think I would have been more sophisticated ;) :

"Eastern Vigour, Western Comfort", but not sure if it applies to Poznan as I've never been there ;)
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: How to do you understand this?

I saw a hotel add in Poland today saying:

"European standard, Polish hospitality."

So, Polish standards are crap? Or European hospitality? And why is Poland not in Europe anymore?
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: How to do you understand this?

we like to make ourselves look special
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: How to do you understand this?

Andrzej S.:
we like to make ourselves look special

Wasn't there something like special people's olympics?

Damian S.

Damian S. Bazinga!

Temat: How to do you understand this?

Bernd Schreckenberg:
Poland not in Europe anymore?

Damn, exactly that was my point. We shouldn't put ourselves on the outside of something where belong for a long time. Apparently some PR responsible people are not europe-aware professionals.
Damian S.

Damian S. Bazinga!

Temat: How to do you understand this?

Ok then. My main concern is whether one can relate imaginary eastern vigour or attitude with something like "eastern energy". WTF? I am just curious what does it mean for the natives? I am suspicious. Isn't it something like "kalka z polskiego"? Maybe I am wrong.
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: How to do you understand this?

Eastern energy simply refers to the red-heated faces after too much Vodka and the high-energy output of swear words.
Western style simply refers to the urin-coloured crotches of British stag party tourists, and the white socks in brown sandals eyesore-German tourists.
Sometimes there is a connection between these two fractions or a fraction of a connection.

Anyways, we Westeners welcome your workforce in Europe. You Easteners welcome our tourists or at least their money.

konto usunięte

Temat: How to do you understand this?

Kosma S.:
Ok then. My main concern is whether one can relate imaginary eastern vigour or attitude with something like "eastern energy". WTF? I am just curious what does it mean for the natives? I am suspicious. Isn't it something like "kalka z polskiego"? Maybe I am wrong.

I don't like it, but I don't see anything wrong from a linguistic point of you.

I tend to associate 'Eastern' with Asia rather than Europe.
Damian S.

Damian S. Bazinga!

Temat: How to do you understand this?

warren whitmore:

Isn't it something like "kalka z polskiego"? Maybe I
am wrong.

I don't like it, but I don't see anything wrong from a linguistic point of you.
I tend to associate 'Eastern' with Asia rather than Europe.

Thank you for this answer. Fair enough ;)

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Temat: How to do you understand this?

People can write any slogan they want. It may be O.K. according to the dictionary, but I'd say it was a 'crap' slogan.
Damian S.

Damian S. Bazinga!

Temat: How to do you understand this?

Bernd Schreckenberg:
Eastern energy simply refers to the red-heated faces after too much Vodka and the high-energy output of swear words.
Western style simply refers to the urin-coloured crotches of British stag party tourists, and the white socks in brown sandals eyesore-German tourists.
Sometimes there is a connection between these two fractions or a fraction of a connection.

Anyways, we Westeners welcome your workforce in Europe.

That is the way it is ;) We easterners are apparently so much younger, vigorous and productive ;) (sarcasm mode on).
Honestly, firstly I am sceptic and secondly, I am not proud of polish cheap work force outside of Poland. You know, going abroad with nothing but bravery?

Easteners welcome our tourists or at least their money.

Well, yes..no ;) Whenever I go somewhere in Poland to spend some free time it turns out that this place is already overcrowded by Poles themselves. Whenever I am seeing Germans I wonder, how come, they came here?

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