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tekstów, HR
Temat: Downshifting
Czy spotkaliście sie już z tym pojeciem, oznaczajacym nowy styl zycia antykarierowiczów przede wszystkim w Stanach Zjednoczonych?DOWNSHIFTING = 'wrzucanie niższego biegu'
W praktyce jest to np. zmiana pracy z tzw. 'lepszej' (wyższe stanowisko, pieniadze) na 'gorszą' (niskie/nieregularne zarobki, maly prestiż) jako świadomy wybór w celu uzyskania lepszej równowagi na poziomie work-life, wiekszego samorozwoju, duchowości, prawdziwej pasji, czasu dla rodziny, itp.
Jasne, że w Polsce taka "radykalna" dycyzja łączy sie z większym ryzykiem niż w Stanach i innych krajach wysokorozwinietych.
Co o tym sądzicie? A moze chodziło Wam kiedys coś takiego po głowie? Jakie minusy oprócz finansowych Wam sie nasuwają?
Dodatek dla zainteresowanych:
Improving your work-life equation:
While countless articles have been written on the importance of ensuring harmony in one's daily routine, we too often neglect the message. The consequence, which we all know, is that we end up neglecting elements of life that are genuinely important to us. Not only is this topic popular within the media, but some corporations even try to ensure that their employees are maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal time by offering creative outlets such as extracurricular activities sponsored by the company or incorporating a 10% personal growth objective into employees' annual performance review.
As much as the work-life balance topic is communicated, sometimes it helps to be reminded of the tips you can follow to achieve a happier balance.
1. Spend time organizing your work load at the beginning or end of each day. Make a schedule and stick to it. Trust yourself; there is no reason to do more than what you've brainstormed and have written down that needs to be accomplished that day. Tools such as the Outlook calendar can also help you manage your time better.
2. Remember that in life you are defined by who you are in the office and who you are outside of it.
3. Set an example to your colleagues by going home on time. Don't be at work just to show that you are there. One of the benefits of mobility technology is that productivity doesn't always equal time spent in the office.
4. Take advantage of any Flex-time your company offers and realize that at companies, about 80% of the workforce takes advantage of this option.
5. Learn to say "no."
6. Remember to delegate.
7. Maintain boundaries between home and work.
8. Protect your private time and make sure you plan fun and relaxing activities with friends and family. Schedule these activities as you would work appointments.
9. Use technology to your advantage. Use wireless and mobile technology such as HP business notebooks to help you get things done when it suits you -- then switch off and relax.
10. Make sure you have time every week to reflect on life away from work and relax to feel refreshed.